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Charter of good conduct

By registering on KmerOccase, you accept and acknowledge having read this charter of good conduct, and you agree to comply with its provisions. This charter of good conduct brings together the fundamental principles which apply to all and which are to be implemented for the general satisfaction of all KmerOccase users.


General rules


  • As a KmerOccase user, you must guarantee that your e-mail address is up to date, that you are responsible for keeping your connection data, and that your KmerOccase account will not be used for fraudulent activities or for other purposes. than those provided by KmerOccase.


  • Any content containing elements of text or photographs, contrary to the charter of good conduct of our site, good morals, legal and regulatory provisions, or likely to shock other users of KmerOccase will be refused or deleted, without giving rise to any right to compensation for  anyone.


  • KmerOccase reserves the right to block your account if we suspect fraudulent activity or if a claim has been made against you. The account will be unlocked as soon as we have had time to collect all relevant information leading us to an informed decision. If it is established that you have violated the rights of others or participated in fraudulent activities, we reserve the right to identify you to the injured parties and/or the relevant authorities. This right prevails over any right to privacy set out in our privacy policy.


Principles of good conduct


All users of KmerOccase must in their exchanges :

  1. 1. Respect the legislation in force as well as the operating rules of KmerOccase,
  3. 2. Be respectful, polite and courteous, without discrimination of sex, origin, or religion,
  5. 3. Refrain from any racist, homophobic or, more generally, any comments that would constitute an incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence against a person or group of persons on the basis of their place of origin, ethnicity or lack thereof, nationality, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or disability. 
  7. 4. Refrain from disseminating any content of a marketing or advertising nature,
  9. 5. Refrain from disseminating spam or virus-spreading content.   


Version 1.0 of 23/06/2021